When ventilating patients with obstructive lung diseases such as asthma and COPD, the primary goals are to prevent air trapping (auto-PEEP), avoid barotrauma, and ensure adequate gas exchange.
1. Set Initial Tidal Volume (TV)
- TV: 7–8 mL/kg of Ideal Body Weight (IBW)
Rationale: Provides sufficient ventilation while minimizing the risk of overdistension.
2. Set Respiratory Rate (RR)
- RR: 12–14 breaths per minute
Rationale: A moderate RR allows for longer exhalation time, reducing the risk of air trapping.
3. Set Inspiratory Flow Rate
- Inspiratory Flow Rate: 80 L/min
Rationale: A higher flow rate shortens inspiratory time, allowing more time for exhalation.
4. Set Fraction of Inspired Oxygen (FiO₂)
- FiO₂: Start at 1.0 (100%)
- Titrate:
- Aim for:
- PaO₂: 55–80 mm Hg
- SpO₂: 88–95%
- Aim for:
Rationale: Begin with high FiO₂ to correct hypoxemia, then reduce to avoid oxygen toxicity.
5. Set Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)
- PEEP: 0–5 cm H₂O
- Lower PEEP in Asthma: PEEP 0–2 cm H₂O
- Optimal PEEP in COPD: PEEP 5 cm H₂O
Rationale: May counterbalance intrinsic PEEP and reduce the work of breathing.
6. Monitor for Auto-PEEP
Auto-PEEP: Intrinsic PEEP caused by incomplete exhalation.
- To measure auto-PEEP: Perform an Expiratory Hold.
If auto-PEEP is present:
Adjust one at a time
- Decrease RR.
- Increase expiratory time.
- Reduce tidal volume if necessary.
- Set PEEP at 50-80% of the measured autoPEEP.
- To counterbalance dynamic hyperinflation.
If Auto-PEEP causing hemodynamic instability:
- Disconnect with the ventilator.
- Perform manual chest decompression.
7. Set Inspiratory to Expiratory Ratio (I:E Ratio)
- I:E Ratio: 1:3, 1:4
Rationale: Prolonged expiratory time reduces air trapping and allows for complete exhalation.
8. Check Plateau Pressure (Pplat)
- Measure Pplat using an inspiratory pause.
Adjust According to Pplat:
If Pplat > 30 cm H₂O:
- Reduce Tidal Volume (TV).
- Decrease RR to lower mean airway pressure.
If Pplat ≤ 30 cm H₂O:
Check Arterial pH:
i) If pH > 7.20:
- Continue current settings.
ii) If pH < 7.20:
- Increase RR gradually, monitoring Pplat to remain ≤ 30 cm H₂O.
- If pH remains < 7.20 despite adjustments:
- Consider administering sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO₃) to correct severe acidosis.
9. Do not forget to administer Bronchodilators!
- Intubation does not resolve the bronchospasm.